Step 1: Multiply total 24 hour volume by .06 (X value)
Step 2: Divide total coin in your wallet by total supply of 10b (Y value)
Step 3: multiply (X * Y) = Rewards
Example: Print does $1,000,000 in volume in 24 hours the daily rewards would be 6% X =$60,000
Normie Norman has 5,000,000 coins in his wallet.
Total supply is 10 billion. 5M/10B Y = .0005 of supply
X*Y (60,000 x 0.0005) = $30 a day for Normie Norman
This example is $30 a day with only 1m in volume these rewards exponentially explode with more volume.
$10m volume days = $300 for Normie Norman
Peak bull run there were multimillion hourly candles.